The Foundation for Geauga Parks is pleased to support top-notch nature education programs including Geauga Park District's Nature Scopes, the first binocular-nature education program of its kind in the country.
Nature Scopes was established in 2003, in response to research showing that close encounters with nature create a direct, personal involvement with the outdoors that cannot be matched by classroom discussion or photos in textbooks. This year-long program supplements school science instruction by providing hands-on lessons matched to the Ohio Content Standards for fifth-grade science education.
Fifth-graders participate in a total of six interactive sessions involving outdoor exploration, concluding in May with a field day where students are awarded their own binoculars and field guides for participating in the program.

Binoculars and Field Guides
Your donations support the purchase of a pair of binoculars and field guides for each student. These are theirs to keep, with the hope they will provide them with a lifetime of opportunities to observe and enjoy nature.
Since its inception in 2003, Foundation for Geauga Parks has helped equip more than 11,000 students with binoculars and field guides!

2017 was a banner year, when the Foundation funded 100% of the purchase of binoculars for 930 Geauga County fifth grade students.
The program now has 100% participation among all Geauga County public, private and parochial schools!

See Nature Scopes in action!